Changes to Endorsements

If you created or used the Endorsement function on OER Commons recently, you may have noticed that this section now appears as “Reviewers”. We hope that the term "Reviewers" will communicate the intended usage of this feature more clearly. 


What is an Endorsement?

The Endorsement feature was created as a way to mark resources as having earned an organization’s “seal of approval” based on specific review criteria.

Endorsements can only be added by users who have been recognized as trusted reviewers by an organization, and have been granted permissions to review and approve content for that specific organization. Users who have been given endorsement permissions can add endorsements to resources and will see an option to "Add a Reviewer" when logged in to the platform. 

Endorsements and Collections

Endorsements are often used by site Administrators and trusted reviewers to organize resources into collections that are featured on the Featured Collections page of a site, or on a Hub. When users click on an Endorsement thumbnail, users are able to see the criteria used to review and approve the content, as well as a link that enables users to review the entire collection of content reviewed and approved by an organization's reviewing body. Sometimes, one organization may have  multiple reviewing bodies. For example, different subject matter experts may be enlisted to review ELA and STEM content, and to add content to collections specific to their expertise.    

Add an Endorsement (now Reviewer)

  1. Log in to your site.

  2. On a resource’s landing page, select Add Reviewer in the Reviewers section.

  3. Choose the desired reviewer(s) from the list of organizations, and then select Add. In this example from OER Commons, we will choose OERC Reviewed Textbooks. 

  4. Now your Reviewer endorsement is visible. To remove the endorsement, select the X in the top right corner of the endorsement.  

See Endorsement (Now Review) Criteria 

To see information about the review criteria for reviewed resources, simply click on the reviewer icon. 

See All Resources Reviewed by an Organization

To see a list of all resources reviewed by an Organization, click the "See all Reviewed Resources" button in the Review Criteria window.